Thursday, April 13, 2006

week at a glance...

It has been a weird week. Feel like wheels are spinning above the point of worthwhile traction but they are spinning. Two days in St. Louis with Shawna. She was at a beauty expo [let me just say, that was an experience. lots of perfect hair, lots of glam and lots of well, breasts. perhaps it should have been called an "expose" instead :) there were of course products and demos. just lots of breasts. I felt like my mother all afternoon- wanting to sneak up and cleverly paint in the cleavage like she did with an old Tom Jones album cover once upon a time...there was a cool demo we watched though- two stylists cut a girl's hair at once...and we're talking like Edward Scissorhands cutting. hair was flying and they were moving around her in circles...loud music wailing. quite the show....]

Anyhoo, Sha had an expo and I tried to conquer some more of the to-do-months-ago list. Some success. Much frustration. And I've had these annoying stomach cramps for three weeks straight. Might need to check into this. Veronica thinks I'm pregnant. Not only would that not be funny, or even in the same zip code as funny, but God just wouldn't. He just wouldn't.

My Uncle Ralph passed away last Friday evening so my cousins are all in town and we had a house full after the visitation Tuesday night and the funeral mass was yesterday morning. He had a rough last month or two and the combination of Parkinson's and emphysema was a tough one to fight. He died six months to the day we lost dad. Poetically one can picture them either fishing at that big pond in the sky, or begging to add their bongos to the ongoing chorus of the angels. Loss is hard this side of the clouds but it is part of life on this side of the clouds. It is always a fun time getting us all in the same room. Much laughter. Many memories. Great love.

I went to bed at 7:00 last night. Slept through until 7:30 this morning and I feel like today is going to be a good day. So far the stomach feels pretty good and the sun is glorious. If Emma tries on her attendants dress [given the seamstress finished it last night] and we like what we see, Loretta will be a happier camper. This unexpected delay has been a real challenge for me. Enough challenge I ordered 5 dresses as back ups. We started this in October. Not funny. It will all get done. It will all get done. It will all...

Happy Holy Thursday. I think it will always brings warm memories of a Holy Thursday in 2004 spent in our home with friends and family. That evening will always rank on my list of kisses from heaven. Was planning to do something similar tonight but things have gotten away from me. Will have to see. Love to all. Hoping to catch the Good Friday service at MPCC tomorrow night and then services at church over the weekend. First time in several years it isn't at Junior High. Good timing on my part :) I'm sure it was a ton of work...

later taters...


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