me: I get why they have us sanitize our hands but why do we have to sign in every time?
him: I don't know. I guess it helps them keep track. Maybe it's in case someone steals a puppy like they did at the mall.
me: Well, if someone was going to steal a puppy they sure wouldn't use their real name...
him: Long pause. Quiet chuckle. Boy. Am I glad I didn't steal a puppy...
Please leave a comment for Kevin. He can't understand why there aren't dozens of comments when I post about the funny things he says and does. (And yes, he told me that last night. Before we went to the puppy expo.) So please. I would never beg on my own behalf, he's just really disappointed in my readers. Please disregard this request if you have faithfully used this window and accept my deepest appreciation. I had no idea how much this has been bothering him. Have a great weekend, whether you find him funny or not...I usually laugh enough for the lot of us...
Come on--didn't he read about my "NO YOGA" comment after his tea experiment...
I know Rachel. I know. He apparently thinks he's funny enough for double digit comments...
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