Thursday, January 05, 2006

life's cycles never cease to amaze me-there manage to be days when our worlds tilt upside down before we even have a chance to place our feet securely underneath us or grab for something steady-you know the ones; like we're inside a giant snowglobe being shaken simply for the fun of it-then as quickly as it knocks the wind out of us, call it resilience or the Prince of Peace, we're turning cartwheels again-maybe the trick is learning to ride out the certain quakes with increasing grace and Job-like faith-maybe there is no trick-maybe it's the prayers of our faithful friends added to the cries of our speechless spirits reaching the compassionate ears of our knowing Father as He whispers...ride it out...I've got you-I don't know- I just feel like I oughta be finding my balance but am oddly at peace-and I never did master cartwheels with my legs completely extended and totally sucked at roundoffs-life is just really good or I'm in some serious denial...


Blogger sara said...

I think He's realized that you have finally been through enough for now. Satan has had his chance to attack and you've come through them all still praising His Name (probably not what he was anticipating). So I guess now your waters can be still for a bit. Seems like the devious one has given up for a rest and enjoy your time with God...let Him love on you for a bit and love Him right back.

5:35 PM  

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