Thursday, August 14, 2008

My email was answered. It was grace-filled and informative. My concerns were noted. I was misinformed regarding it being the senior minister who maintains the marquee. It is a senior saint who might have been offended were they told to change the sign. It isn't as simple as changing the sign. He stated that he thought the quote might be a little over the top when he saw it the first time but suggested it wasn't all that different from the offensive nature of Luke 13:5 (repent and be saved) and that we must preach the good with the bad albeit in a "tongue and cheek" fashion.  He assured me that we are all on the same side and some people will think it funny, others won't. ( visions of lost people suffering all eternity in Hell always make me chuckle...) I appreciated his response and sympathize with the tension of allowing people to serve in freedom without micro-management. I still think we have a responsibility to the eyes that drive by day after day, as well as a responsibility to keep teaching our people regardless of their age. I'd love to meet the person that makes a u-turn into their driveway convicted by this particular message. And I'd like to share the end of that 13th chapter with anyone who finds the sign funny. Jesus weeping over the city always gets me rolling...


Blogger The Mollet Family said...

we have an unnamed church here that does the same stuff...I can't think that quickly on my feet. They probably got it out of a book that was mocking someone else's sign...good for you for contacting them. I would have done the same thing, but Joe is getting used to that from me. Its not so embarrasing for him anymore...

10:00 PM  

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