Friday, May 06, 2011

for better, for worse...

"For better or worse" are easy words to say when family and friends are gathered and everyone is dressed in their wedding best. They become a matter of honor and choice when faced with circumstances like John and Shawna faced this last year. I realize God's hand was upon and His power within as they were able to draw closer to each other instead of apart, and for that I thank Him. I also know the type of people they are and how much they love each other, and for that I also thank Him. Since they providentially lived with us throughout the infamous 2010, I can attest to their vows and was blessed to see their faith in action behind the proverbial walls. I am able to connect those "dots" God places before us even in the midst of that whirlwind with Jad and Kal. Though there are certain to be ones that connect in the realms of mystery only, there are plenty to keep us busy and enamored in the physical; and as romantic as they proved to be as a wedding signature, they continue to provide a great awareness of the sovereignty of God.

Shawna and John began the day today with a nice breakfast, typical of their Fridays off. Then they finalized the plans for the grave monument they will share with their boys.  I texted her that it was certainly a 'unique' to-do for an anniversary. She texted back: "Yeah, really. Just worked out that way." and then she wrote: "He's alive. They're alive. Just gotta keep the mindset :)"  

As another dot lined up in my head, I smiled remembering the Ravi Zacharias podcast I had finished minutes before as he shared about the night his mother passed away suddenly. "Not gone. Gone Home.." Just gotta keep the mindset.

Happy 5th Anniversary, John and Shawna. Trusting and believing God has a storehouse of "better" on the way. Although I would rally to add that all said and done, there was nothing "worse" about our little witnesses. We just have to wait a little while before we can see them face to face.

I love you...


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