Saturday, January 07, 2006

arbor day coffee...

I have made reference to the coffee that would often accompany my dad to dinner at my house or a random visit. It's Arbor Day coffee, a coffee he ordered to support the rainforest. [it's organically grown as an understory crop beneath tall tropical forest trees...] I'm terribly picky about my regular non-flavored coffee. [dad drank tanks of Hardee's joe which I detest so I was cautious the first time I brewed some of this...] I receive regular shipments of Gevalia and in between will purchase my runner-up 8 O'Clock bag of beans at the grocers. I remember my first brew of his Arbor Day. It immediately outranked everything else becoming my favorite coffee. I had no qualms about telling him I thought Hardee's coffee tasted like dirty sock water or that there was life outside mom & pop diners, so I would have told him not to bring me further shipments if it wasn't indeed the best flavored coffee I've tasted. I'm drinking my second cup as I post. We haven't stopped shipment since he died. I don't think I'm going to. I like seeing his name on the invoice and until we sell the house there isn't any harm in letting them ship away to his address. It's cool that it supports the rainforest, which he was pretty passionate about, but in all honesty it's only because it tastes that good. The fact that it will always remind me of him is lowfat cream in the cup.


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