Thursday, March 29, 2007

bringing in the sheaves...

So I was out for my power walk this morning and had my iPod on, lost in the music and was startled a bit by what I saw out of the corner of my eye: Walking wheat. All in a matter of seconds I was startled and then humored as I saw the set of pant legs extending below the six-foot bundle of wheat. I'm not sure what they're called, but one of those tall clumps of wheat people use in their landscaping was being prepared for spring by a lawn care guy and all I could see was the wheat moving across the grass. I'm guessing it won't strike you as funny as it did me, but I laughed pretty hard as I walked past. Seriously, the thing was probably 6-7 tall and 4 feet around. Completely hid the guy as he carried it to the truck. I then started my playlist over again and proceeded to listen to the soundtrack from the Passion of the Christ the entire hour I walked. I cleared my head of all things unworthy of the cross and to my surprise it was one amazing experience on this overcast morning down the back roads west of my subdivision. By the time the resurrection music began it was all I could do not to look like a complete idiot sobbing and twirling in the street. It was glorious. Not what I normally choose for pump-me-up power walking but it was amazing. Once I got past the sheaves...


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