Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Occasionally I'm fooled into believing I'm independent. But as I pulled away Sunday morning to head to church and left Kevin behind with one last hug before he left for Vancouver it hit me like a landslide. I need this guy. It clung to me across town and clobbered me straight on when my phone call home went unanswered; proof the shuttle had picked him up early. I made it through the two services and lunch but not without distraction. This wasn't like me. In small increments packing larger punches I began to understand "alone" like never before. I know, it's just a week in Canada, and I know people do it all the time, but Kevin is never the one who leaves. I am. And I was completely unprepared for how uncomfortable I felt. It's just better when he walks through the door at night. Even if I'm not home when he does. It's just knowing he's there, knowing when I get there he'll be waiting. So I’m thankful for this trip that has snapped me out of the land of for granted and I can’t wait for him to come home...


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