Friday, August 22, 2008


Had a hankering for Maid-Rite last night. Strip tenderloin, mustard, pickle, onion. Obeyed hankering (to go) and Kevin and I proceeded to the Vet's home so that Mylie could enjoy the animals. (shut. up.) Cruising around the deer/turkey/something mangy, Kevin picks up the brown paper bag traditionally used by Maid-Rite for carry-outs. He mentioned something in passing that they are still writing ticket orders on the bag and adding totals the old-fashioned way without the assistance of a calculator or register. I have never double checked a total. Ever. And me and local Maid-Rite go way back. So I couldn't believe it when I discovered they were a dollar off. That's two fifty-cent pieces in Maid-Rite change folks. Of course Kevin didn't believe me and he didn't want to make the short trip from the DQ (another hankering obliged) for me to remedy the oversight. I promised to be nice but a dollar's a dollar. Besides, any establishment that posts signs for keeping all four legs of your chair on the floor and manages their up and coming staff like boot camp rookies deserves to know the truth.

The owner/manager asked me if he could help me. I showed him the bag. He re-added. He said the total was correct. (I almost apologized and turned around even though I had checked and re-checked with calculator...I mean it's the Maid-Rite for goodness' sake...) But I stood firm and asked him about the post-tax total which is where the oversight occurred. He smiled. He reached under the counter and handed me a dollar bill with a quiet apology. As I walked away I heard him ask his wife..."Did you add this?"


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