Thursday, September 29, 2005

sixth sense…

I often find that when one season blends into another I have flashes of my mom- her voice, her presence, her “knowing” me. Nostalgia I guess, just something about the year’s changing cycle that brings her near. Near enough to reach for the phone, near enough to settle for a “chat” when no one is looking. And today we chatted about my cat and how much I’m going to miss her, about how I keep hearing her call for me from the laundry room like she would do every time she heard my voice or footsteps, and about how I keep thinking it’s time to get her something to eat or drink. How it felt when she’d reach her little paw under my chin and purr when I held her, and how I held her a lot these last few months. And I told her of the poem dad wrote about Tig, and how my stupid-blubbering-self couldn’t finish reading it out loud after we carefully replaced the sod over the grave dad helped me dig this afternoon in the front yard. It was a nice chat. And it will have to do until another comes along...


Blogger deby said...

I'm thankful that you have so many good memories. It's nice how God made us to have those, isn't it.

5:55 PM  

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