Wednesday, September 28, 2005

and the winner is...

Dane. Sort of. And it isn't the cabby thing. Kev falls asleep at the wheel and doesn't know his way around Quincy very well so that wouldn't be good on many levels.

The Crossing did indeed approach John about the possibility of training him as an additional video/tech person. They were interviewing someone with the whole nine yards but really felt like John's heart and potential was something they'd be willing to invest in. He starts on Monday and I'm just busting with the sheer unexpected blessing of the whole thing. I have a vested interest I confess but it's way more than the fact he'll actually have a full-time job with benefits. His crazy blue eyes are just dancing in anticipation of being involved in such amazing projects with such amazing people. He has already developed close friendships with a couple guys on staff. I know he'll be a great fit. I'm beside myself realizing the future husband of my precious little girl, the father of my future grandchildren, will be saturated with the vision, dreams, integrity and faith of the Spirit led staff he will be joining. I'm a nerd that way: I've been watching to see who God places in their lives over the last gazillion years. In the recent past a couple significant relationships have transitioned into long distance friendships, and I've prayed for God to add to those relationships with godly people involved on a daily basis in their lives; to further nurture the seeds that continue to grow and mature. Yes, I'm also well aware he could get burned beyond belief as I know firsthand can happen. But this has too much God all over it to run the other way- this cries out to be embraced and celebrated.

This is just great in so many ways. We were a little worried about our two week trip to Israel in the spring and having their honeymoon right after that...not sure a new employer would give him the time to go. Not a problem. In fact, he can video the whole thing ;) Just a great, great thing it is, and so unexpected. Like a special gift just because. Like He really is in control after all and it will all be more than okay.

So bring on the fog machines and fire up the lights. We're just getting started.


Blogger sara said...

Well honey, I'm right there with you in the whole happiness category. I don't think God could have picked a better fit for the job. And the best part is how He surprised John with the blessing...he didn't even see it coming! I LOVE IT! I wish I could be there to see the excitement in his eyes, but it is pleasing enough to hear it in his voice. So thankful for that staff and those special guys who have become such great friends to him. How's Sha feeling about all this? I bet she is beaming just as much. Love those two to pieces. Miss you - we need to talk sometime!

2:22 PM  
Blogger Lowery said...

I couldn't be happier for him and those close to him. I really couldn't. I have thought about this news quite often and I am so stinking moved by what God is up to. This is the kind of stuff that you just say, "Yep...that's about right."

And in case anyone is tempted to check out Willie B.'s site on "signs of depression" listed above, don't bother - the major signs of depression are weight loss, shutting the door to your office a lot and being quiet in meetings. Or at least that's what I've been told. Just wanted to help you all save some time.

2:37 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Let me be the first real person to respond to this- sorry Sonny M. I know we are truly swimming in an ocean of media. Man, this is such amazing news. God is so good.

2:53 PM  
Blogger ret said...

Can I say that I seriously laughed out loud B. Think I may have woke Shawna up. And I was really needing the laugh this morning. So. Very. Funny.

It is amazing news. Saw Jess and Jon last night and their new ministry is going well and really seems to agree with them. God sure has been busy...

8:57 AM  

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