Thursday, January 12, 2006

20 something / 20 something...

I had 20/20 peepers for most of my life. Several years ago I began wearing glasses for driving mostly and eventually started wearing them to see the little man preaching on the mornings I wasn't as early as planned. Recently I've had to hold my little tip card a bit further away to read the recommended gratuity and thought it time to revisit my friendly Wal-Mart optometrist. Which I did today. I'm in that territory one travels before abandoning any remaining vanity and purchases bifocals. All I can remember about bifocals is that my mother cursed them. I decided to try my hand at contacts and opted first for the mono-vision prescription. My sister is presently annoyed with her mono-vision contacts and is ready to bite the bifocal bullet. I'm not sure I'll see it through. The poor attendant should have scheduled me after lunch. Apparently they can't send you home without being able to remove a contact from your eye. Perfect. It took me an hour to even get it in the eye let alone out and right now they still don't feel right in my eyes. Right now it's just a big blur. I ordered new frames for back up and at this point it just might be the plan for me. Shawna took to the things immediately. Kevin gave up after working himself consistently into a rage morning after morning. I'll give them a chance but at this point in my life, what minutes I have to invest I'm throwing into the make-up and hair category and not the caressing of my new little taco shaped lens. We'll see. We certainly hope to see soon...


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