Monday, February 06, 2006


I called in the troops. I admitted defeat. I cannot do this alone. Planner or no planner, files or no files. I assembled a table full of the most anal friends I have and together we are a force to be reckoned with. I literally spent every day for the last 10 days or so fiendishly compiling lists and checking them twice, searching the internet and placing countless orders. Yes, we began much of this process months ago but were beguiled by the illusion of a long engagement. The road has risen to meet us and found us dreadfully behind. I'm encouraged knowing people do in fact have shorter engagements and "yours truly" pulled her own together in three, count them, three weeks. I obsess to be sure. And no matter how I speak to the contrary I will over do and make more of a fuss than need be. So feel free to slap me if you think it'll help. She's my only one ya know...

boys suits came in today: perfect
unity candle pillars arrived today: beautiful
ordered wedding cake today: yum
ordered flower girl shoes today: precious
located attendants shoes today: waiting for input

Tell me again why we're leaving the country in 5 weeks??? Must. have. head. examined.


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