Thursday, March 09, 2006

reinventing retta...

I have a new do. I like it. Nothing like I had before and honestly not everyone I know will like it. For the first time in my life I really just don't care. I've always cared. Always. It isn't that I don't want people to like it but for once the fact that I like it is more important than if "they" like it. (Although my buddy Chandler asked if I got it cut. He then said "it looks better".)

I've run into several people lately that I haven't seen in over a year or so. All of them said they didn't recognize me. All of them have new glasses or something? My take on the something: I've reinvented myself.

I have indeed lost some excess weight. I have different glasses. Today, I had a new haircut. But honestly, I think it's more than that. I'm not who I was a year ago. I have changed. I have a confidence in myself and in the core of who I found myself to be that I've never had before. I understand myself better than I ever did before and frankly, me and my Maker have toured some undiscovered crevices in my soul that I had never walked before. Perfection is only a promise, but I have made ground. I have matured. I have blossomed. Well, atleast I think so. I have my moments, as we all do, but it isn't so much about my failings these days, it's much more about my victories and the one on one with my Father that have me breathing peace in and out. I had settled in to believing I was what I was. But I'm not. I have the power within me...His power within me to keep changing. To keep shaking it up and I like that. A lot. I like thinking there is as much ahead of me as there is behind me and He has only begun to reveal it all. I like knowing a day can still feel new and my heart can still race. I like running into people who don't recognize me. It's actually kind of fun that they can't quite put their finger on it...

It's me. Only better.


Blogger Kristy said...

Congrats!!! I'm sure you look beautiful!!! I can't wait to see you in a couple months...

8:18 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Well said. I am proud of you.

8:31 AM  

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