Thursday, July 20, 2006

somebody pinch me...

I have waited a long time for this. I have experienced glimpses and tastings, but it is presently unfolding before my eyes and it is a sweet, sweet thing.

During the course of a two-hour rehearsal, complete with a tediously extended sound check; complete with the learning of two new songs; complete with the news that the mother of our monitor technician had just died; complete with the distracting noise of the V.B.S. construction taking place feet from the stage; complete with the "long day" it had been for just about everyone involved; God's presence settled in, sent Satan off to pout and we worshipped.

And I mean, everyone worshipped. I want to cry when I see hands raised in the midst of learning a brand new song; when I feel my own leave my keyboard in response; when I see someone hit their knees or hear someone praying in the midst of a song, in rehearsal. It's a rich thing to be a part of and it resonates way down deep inside me like some weird homing device. I suppose like deep calling to deep, which always sounded cool, but I never really understood. But for all the pain, but for all the stumbling to get here, I may have missed it. We are in the land of the unexpected and God is showing Himself as much as we are ready to see. My cup overfloweth...should be an amazing weekend...


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