Thursday, April 12, 2007


So I'm at rehearsal last night and the tech crew is making lighting adjustments for services. There are probably half a dozen of them going a mile a minute behind us, over us, around us. This isn't anything out of the ordinary the Wednesday before a series change and since this one requires the lighting of a waterfall the length and height of most of the stage, they have plenty to keep them busy throughout the course of the rehearsal. John is among them since he isn't scheduled to play for the weekend. [It hasn't gone unnoticed by this heart of mine that he often serves in other areas when he isn't playing...gotta love him...] Anyhoo, John's spending a bulk of the time in a lift basket that I can hear being raised and lowered as needed, noticeable at first but then simply blending in with the rest of the band.

We had probably been rehearsing for an hour or so and had reached the third song of our invitation set, the chorus of "Everything" by Lifehouse. Love the song. Love it. So much that I close my eyes as we dwell a spell at the feet of the Almighty. As it reaches my favorite part about the 4th time through the four-chord progression, where the drums go nuts and the vocals are full out, I open my eyes. There in the front of the auditorium moving cautiously (poetically) across the floor and headed for the center aisle is the lift. Fully extended. In it, my beloved John. Arms out, head back, perfectly orchestrated to the "soundtrack" around him. A cross between the famous scene from Titanic (the bow not the car...) and a kid dared to let loose of his handlebars. It was hilarious. And oddly beautiful. Given that his lovely bride made a similar entrance to the same song, same aisle at almost the same time last year: well. Like I said, oddly beautiful. And it made me laugh hard and long. And that's never a bad thing.


Blogger sara said...

I can just picture it now:) Make me laugh out loud. That boy is crazy. Wish I could have seen it.

By the and purple highlights?? Send pics please!!

Love you. miss you...and your big pink shirt! :)

3:47 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...


8:27 AM  
Blogger ret said...

Sara- the highlights were a hit at the girl's retreat this weekend...go figure...

Gil-shut up :)

11:47 AM  

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