Friday, May 20, 2005


I began last birthday season [the Fey kids have birthdays May, June, July] to let each of them spend the day & night with me as part of their gift. Ok, for many this would not be much of a gift, move on. Yesterday was Harrison's turn, or 'arrison as Chandler says it.

This little boy won't talk on the phone [a boy after John's own heart] and rarely speaks when spoken to. He's shy and in a good way, a momma's boy to be sure. But, when I asked Veronica on Weds. about having him spend his 'day' with me on Thursday, she said he had just asked her about it at home that morning. Melt. My. Heart.

Often times, he won't say much to me at all, electing to communicate through a variety of physical expressions instead, ranging from the famous headbutting, to karate chopping. More often than not, I present myself as a overgrown fool in public, wrestling with these boys. [Hey, I'd much rather they'd remember me this way than visions of boob-smothering hugs and facial hair though there's still that chance, sadly.]

We met for lunch [smilebreakers] and then we hit Dollar General. [Can't have too many cheap-wouldn't-sell-the-first-time toys, now can we?] We carried our loot back to the car and headed home. We watched TV together, played miniature pool [we're talking Barbie doll size here] and wrestled. A lot. I kept asking him if he wanted to go somewhere. If he wanted to do something. But we just hung out the rest of the day and into the late evening.

He had a big bubble bath and made me miss the art of doing that properly. Although, I'd need a much larger tub to do it justice. He was in there for a long time. When he finally got out, he smelled like fresh flowers and baby powder. What is it about little kids and fresh pjs after a bath. I couldn't bear to put him to bed just yet, so we snuggled on the couch and he had a bedtime snack. He introduced me to the Power Rangers and talked a blue streak. Put him to bed placing the promised kisses from mom on his sweet little forehead and called it a night.

He's still asleep and my 'baby' just called to tell me she made it safely to school. Ok, I'm posting before I can no longer see the screen. Where does the time go and where was I when it disappeared. I had to smile, he has Scooby-Doo on his jammies. Some things we never outgrow.

One down. Two to go...


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