Saturday, June 04, 2005

the winning ticket...

Emma had her first softball game last night at Maranatha. I walked there, since it's not that far from my house and purchased my $1 ticket for admission. I was immediately greeted by my two precious nephews who have recently stepped it up in the kung fu/wrestling dept. whenever I'm around. [I love it.] So I have barely walked into the park and Harrison shows me his ticket saying, "This is for my t-shirt." It was then I realized there was probably a drawing for a free t-shirt sometime during the game.

Throughout the popcorn munching [throwing], name calling [they can hold their own] and goofing around with a nephew on each side, Harrison kept pulling out his little ticket and saying to himself, "I wish they'd call my t-shirt." I thought this was way cute, and honestly, given it was a 14-15 division girl's game [although it did actually resemble baseball and our team was way ahead] and that it started to rain and most of us huddled underneath the awning of the concession stand, I just didn't see a single person besides Harrison anticipating the drawing.


After he says it one more time, I brave the sprinkles and head to the counter to see how much the shirts were. $5 later, [after slyly asking Harrison what his number was] I had arranged to have his number selected. [I actually believe the drawings were over for the night as they announced, we have one more winning number tonight...]

Funny thing was, his little hands were wet from playing in the rain and he couldn't get his ticket out of his pocket. I could see a mix of panic and frustration settle in as he struggled to retrieve it, and then he shyly handed it to Veronica who proceeded to have him read his number... [you're killin' me here...] Anyway, up he went, claimed his smallest- size- we- could- find "Harry Phillips" memorial t-shirt and began showing it to anyone who wanted to see. He was a bit disappointed it would fit him like a dress, but I guess he can sleep in it. It was a nice end to my Friday evening.

I rock at this aunt stuff. And apparently I have a future in fraudulent raffles.


Blogger deby said...

do you have connections to the pub. clearing house? they keep sending me e-mails.

and you got rain over there? I am so envious - for real.

9:22 AM  
Blogger ret said...

Deby:We got rain last night and this morning...

Jen: Yes. Especially when my own is 20+ and it gives me a chance to be goofy once in a while! Besides, I never had they are quite the good time...

11:30 AM  

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