Thursday, September 15, 2005

John always says Shawna has no concept of time. He is correct. I know this, because she learned it from me. Her test was at noon today at the airport in Jacksonville. She was to be there at 11:30 to register. I figured if we left at 10:30 we'd be good to go. Well, we left a little after 10:30 and at 11:30, even going 75 we had a ways to go. I wanted her to call and tell them we were running late. I wanted to know if she would still be able to take the test. She didn't seemed concerned. She had directions and was confident we'd make it.

Guessed at which of the three exits I should take. Pushed the speed limit. Argued about whose fault it was. Saw airport sign one. Turned right. Followed semi at a crawl through the local colleges. Saw airport sign two. Turned...I don't know. She didn't write that part down. We turned right again. An airport can't be in the middle of town, right? In the middle of my growing frustration I pull over to ask someone for directions. At this point we seemed to have found our way into the middle of absolutely nowhere. He confirms we're close. I have her call to see if she can still take the test, as it is now noon and we as yet still have no visual on the airport. No big deal they say. We finally see the sign for the airport. An airport smaller than the one we have. I rush her to the door and drop her off to park the car. There were at most 5 cars on the lot. To whom they belonged, I've no clue. There was one young man inside leading Shawna to a room in the back of a very tiny terminal. He walked back out and returned to his cubicle. It was just the three of us. For this I hurried.

She finished the test in 45 of the allotted 90 minutes and passed. Round one complete. Round two on Monday. We're staying in the same hotel where the test is given so surely...


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