Friday, December 16, 2005

miss me?

My computer bit the dust a couple weeks ago and that's where I've been, so back off Gilchrist. I believe for the most part my funketh hast passethed. I'm entitled to my blues and my hiding so I'm embracing them for what they are. Christmas Eve will be a killer, as if the rest of the season hasn't screamed his absence, but we're dealing. We're decking the halls, donning the gay apparel and rejoicing at the joy in our worlds, even if it stings a bit this year.

I have a new computer. Just up and running tonight. Just about to go into a coma if I didn't get to my email pretty soon. Like leaving my cell phone at home for the day. I have it bad. But you know, I actually enjoyed having it removed from my options for a couple weeks. I've been to St. Louis on excursions a few times, one was a solo expedition that I really enjoyed and was actually quite healing in many ways. Felt a little odd to eat alone and get a hotel room all by myself, but I had a wonderful time. My wrapping is finally completed and my list is almost done. The cards are yet to be sent but I'm feeling pretty good about my progress. It is going to be a Christmas to remember and for the first time in many years it's going to be a Christmas spent completely with the ones I love instead of countless rehearsals and power point slides.

I'm looking forward to this year ahead of me. There's almost 30 pounds less of me than there was this time last year; I watched my choir deliver a wonderful cantata without me and didn't cry or ache; I get to play for the first services in our new auditorium Christmas weekend; we leave for Israel in three months and in less than five have a wedding to pull off. I have blogs to catch up on and emails to write. This has been a huge year. Just huge. I'm ready to lay some stuff down and head straight into whatever this has all been leading to. I've learned so much about myself and I believe I'm the better for it. That story remains to be told.

I'm up past my bedtime. Stupid blog.

PS: My baby girl closes on her first home in the morning. Wow. This is really going to be different...


Blogger sara said...

So glad to have you back! Missed reading. Blogs seem so petty to others, but for us who live far away, sometimes it's a much appreciated connection.

30 pounds...HOLY COW! Way to go!

Looking forward to seeing you next week friend and catching up. Sure we'll be painting or cleaning at the new house over the break:)

5:10 PM  

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