Friday, May 04, 2007 364 A.W.

Kathi Dooley asked me today if I remembered what I was doing a year ago. (I was impressed she remembered. Not only does she keep the public school music world spinning, she remembered "the wedding".) And yes, I do remember. The attendants were one by one filing in and out of the spa for a variety of pamperings and I was discovering I hadn't confirmed the order of 60 table toppers for the guest tables. Who knew. This side of it all, I suppose our dollars secured more than their share of unnoticed, unnecessary had-to-haves but so what. I had a blast. Hope you had a blast too. And hope the year that simply vanished afterwards has been kind to you. It's been pretty great to us. And to the newlyweds. If they are "normal" it hasn't been a year without a snag or too, but they cover well and seem pretty pleased with their life in progress. They head off to St. Louis on Sunday for a night away and I'm positive they are as stunned as I am that it's their first anniversary. Thankful God is growing their love for Him and for each other. Thankful they are still enjoying one another. Thankful they aren't homeless and except for the softball incident, they have suffered no emergencies. Well, there were the frozen pipes.

Happy Anniversary, Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell...


Blogger sara said...

Can't believe it has been a year already. That almost seems impossible. It was a good time and we did have a blast! Thanks for making it a beautiful & memorable day. I love you. See you Thursday or Friday?? max and I will be coming in late Wednesday and leaving saturday morning. Hope our paths cross!

4:27 PM  

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