Wednesday, March 25, 2009

pet supply catalog...

  An "exercise" fence and a "muzzle".  Is it just me or are there some significant marketing flaws here?    

deja view...

him: I just watched "Luther" upstairs. 
me: It's really good. We watched it before.
him: No I didn't. I've never seen it before.
me: We watched it together. You liked it.
him: Nope. Never seen it.


him: So we could watch it again in a month if you want.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

him again: you ever write on that blog of yours anymore?? you were all about that stupid thing a year ago...

Monday, March 09, 2009

A N I M A L S....

him [when I ask if we're taking Mylie to see the animals at the vet's home tonight]: "Don't say 'animals'...spell it out or she'll go nuts...."