Thursday, February 28, 2008

Mylie or Miley? 
If all goes as planned, we should have our little Mylie next Friday. She's 10 weeks old. I know. I know. She's cute. Really cute. If you're lucky, I'll let you hold her the next time you're in the neighborhood. Brush up on your baby talk before you come :)

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

would you like lemon with that...

So they say now that lemons served with your water/tea can carry all kinds of goodies including fecal matter. Wonderful. Just wonderful.

me too...

Is it just me, or does the Contour Adjustable Bed Giveaway commercial make you want to throw something at the TV? 

Sunday, February 24, 2008

I got as far as throwing on an over sized t-shirt when we finally got home this afternoon- changing into something comfortable enough to accomplish my to-do list and simply too lazy to dig something out of the drawer. The absence of my pajama pants left Kevin curious throughout the evening. "You want a blanket?" "Aren't you afraid someone might come to the door?" Etc.

I eventually asked if he wanted me to throw what he had on in my last load of laundry and while I waited for him to change, I threw on my p.j. bottoms and grabbed the last bit of laundry from the hamper. As I met him in the hallway moments later, I'm greeted with a frustrated sigh as he tosses his worn clothes on the floor in front of me. It's then that I realize he isn't as frustrated as he is disappointed. He had returned from the bedroom wearing an oversized sweatshirt without sweatpants to find that I was no longer pant-less. And then he says,  "And I went all out on this one."

signs of the saved and stupid...

Lent is the time to fill the pot holes of life.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

me: I get why they have us sanitize our hands but why do we have to sign in every time?

him: I don't know. I guess it helps them keep track. Maybe it's in case someone steals a puppy like they did at the mall.

me: Well, if someone was going to steal a puppy they sure wouldn't use their real name...

him: Long pause. Quiet chuckle. Boy. Am I glad I didn't steal a puppy...

Friday, February 22, 2008

signs of the saved and stupid...

"Life Stinks. We Have A Pew For You."
So just exactly how under the gun was the ad agency that came up with Reddi Wip Eddie? 

Sunday, February 17, 2008

me: brushing my teeth and laughing. laughing hard.

him: "and I don't want that on your blog."

Friday, February 15, 2008

him: "Just so you know, if something happens to this one, she breaks a leg or something, we're walking away. I'm not throwing more money at this and don't go putting your sister on that emergency call list either."

me: "I'm not putting you on her emergency call list to begin with. Not sure I want you on mine..."

him: "Not a bad idea. Not a bad idea."
So I update Kevin on my pre-op appointment and casually "inform" him that following my surgery (nothing serious, just girlie stuff) we can expect for menopause to 'move in' with us immediately. I explain that it's possible/probable I could experience transitional  changes in mood and personality. His face priceless, as he declares in a panic: "You can't go wacky on us. You're the one who keeps us afloat. I'm the wack-job, you're the anchor. Don't be messing around with that."

About spewed my gyro salad...not sure when the realization that the puppy and 'the change' are headed his direction at the same time :) Lord help us both...

all together now...


Our little Mylie at 8 weeks...can't.wait.
We're currently "nesting". Repurchased puppy supplies last weekend; a soft little bed for her, some new toys, new training books, new itsy-bitsy collar. Getting the carpet sanitized this week, gave or threw away Mallie's things just to be on the safe side and will bleach our floors, our shoes and our grass another time before she arrives. Kevin wonders every other sentence if this is going to be a big mistake, but trust me, he's the one buying the books and suggesting the trips to the pet center. He's the one who pretends we already have her just to see what it would feel like :) I know. We're both out of our minds. If Tulsa wasn't so far away, and we weren't so tied up over the weekends, I'd be visiting her non-stop. She could move in already if it wasn't for the stupid parvo. Just being careful and preventative as much as we can. I mean, look at that face. Look at that face...

Thursday, February 14, 2008

passing thoughts...

I woke up before my alarm this morning, made my way to the bathroom and had the passing thought that before long Kevin and I will rise, shine and head to the front porch for a morning cup of coffee before we head to work. We both rather enjoyed our newly discovered routine and reminisce frequently about our times last summer watching the cul-de-sac non-activity as well as our i-tunes excursions. Won't be long. Making my way by my sink, the passing thought barely past me, I see his card. Looks like he was doing a bit of his own...

happy valenti'm'es day...

Ask your local pre-schooler. In all my years of general music classes, I don't think I ever successfully got them to sing it with an 'n'. Truth be told, it's cuter their way anyway...

Monday, February 11, 2008

two and a half men...

Sitting here composing an email to my small group and I catch this hilarious line from Charlie to Alan regarding his lack of employment for the last seven months: "if you haven't heard the jingle business has dried up. They're not going to pay me to write a jingle for a tampon commercial when they can just play "Stuck in the Middle With You".

Now that's funny. That's really, really funny.

Thursday, February 07, 2008

"When someone loves you, the way they say your name is different. You know that your name is safe in their mouth." -Billy, age 4

May His name be safe in mine...
...worth the extra point, "YoLite" fat free orange pomegranate yogurt is I love all the WW flavors but a gal's gotta shake it up once in a while so the trip to the store yielded a few different brands and flavors. And yes. My life is really that boring.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

2 things I never dreamed I'd see...

1. Kevin, my Kevin, at the opposite end of the puppy store holding one puppy after another. And talking to them. For well over an hour. At his suggestion...

2. A folded piece of note paper from the JK Creative Art Dept. with the following check-list:
  1. Carrying bag
  2. Crate
  3. Cage 
  4. Water bowl
  5. Sleeping pillow
  6. Puppy wipes
  7. Puppy clothes
  8. Door gates
You saw it here: Aliens are as real as you and I, and one of them has abducted my grumpy husband and stuffed him with polyfill.