Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Day Five...Check.

Well. I just finished my day five study...and I read through Romans 4 which I was supposed to do every week and haven't done at all. I read tonight that Rebekah may never have heard of twins before Esau and Jacob were born. That this was the first biblical mention of twins. I don't know. That struck me funny. If that's possible, and the two boys were fighting inside her, she was expecting one, didn't even consider two...well. I'm just thinking that would have been quite the surprise. I've had heartburn that felt like two nations were at war but I can't imagine what she must have thought to have God explain the rumbling inside her that way.

Okay. That's as deep as I'm going to get tonight. I'm tired. It has been a long day in blogville. Sleep tight..

And Dane. Jerk of the Week was already a done deal before you posted. Better luck next week :)


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