Saturday, July 09, 2005

I rule...

As long as I can remember I have competed with Kevin. This began in our pre-dating years and has followed us faithfully along this shared life of ours. Most are friendly little challenges that more than usually develop accidentally but some end with blood shed.

Several years ago we were innocently walking the mall after hours and all was well for a few laps. Call it boredom or just the fierce desire to beat the snot out of him but I gradually began pacing just beyond him. This too lasted a lap or two until we were at that break between a fast walk and slow jog. I decided to add the theatre steps to my routine and took two at a time just to defeat him once and for all. Bad call. Given I had a cell phone in my hand and as my foot completely missed the intended step I in all my wisdom decided to fall sans hands. Right into the bridge of my cute little nose. This sent my fatigued, panicked husband to a bathroom for some tissue and ended with a trip to the ER for a flattering set of stitches I'd spend a week explaining to the curious.

Well. Tonight the monster returned in full glory. What began as a recreational round of water ping pong in the pool resulted in a resurrection of our official size pp table that had hibernated in the garage since our move several years ago. The memories of our addiction to this sport until well into the night came flooding back as I completely leveled this man of mine. We're talking complete annihilation. Poor thing. His arms still hurt a bit from that fall and for some reason I was just destroying him tonight. It actually feels pretty good. I'm not sure what the neighbors will make of our rediscovered passion but I'm sure the police will be more than happy to stop by and let us know if we violate any noise ordinances.

Kevin just walked past the den and said, "Be sure and tell them I had crippled hands." I laughed at how well he knows me, and then he said, "I was just thinking...I'll bet that witch is in there blogging about it..."

Damn straight I am. I won.


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