So I had to get fingerprinted. They made me an appointment to do so. Kevin went with me since it was at the sheriff's department=county jail. I push the buzzer. They let me in. Kevin isn't allowed. He goes back to the van. I follow the deputy down the hall and quickly discover I don't have the required paperwork. He shows me a copy. I apologize and explain that no one at the regional office or the board of education informed me of said paperwork. He escorts me down the hall, buzzes me through the door and I return to the van. I look through the stack of papers they gave me for taxes and yup. Last one. Including a photocopied signature of the superintendent, which I needed. I walk back to the door, he buzzes me through. I grin and explain, and hand him my quickly completed paperwork. He walks me down the hall and asks for my license. s***. He escorts me down the hall as I quip something about me being too stupid to have a record. He buzzes me through again. I return to the van, endure Kevin's verbal battering and head for the door again, this time accompanied by another teacher asking for directions to be fingerprinted. I'm your gal. Been there. Still haven't done that. She wasn't informed she needed an appointment but had her papers. This time he buzzes us both through. Walks us both back there and has her take a seat. We make small chat. My hands are really sweaty by now, more from the unexpected exercise than my original nerves and I figure that will be the next thing. Turns out they spray with water and scan. No more messy ink stains. It took a while, lost count of the "reject" scans, but I guess they got what they needed. He escorted me one last time through the security doors and I was home free.
What is it about those places that makes me so nervous. Oh, yeah, the nice little convicts and row of assorted family waiting to be buzzed in to see them.
And all this for Rabbit Foo Foo. Makes me wonder...
What is it about those places that makes me so nervous. Oh, yeah, the nice little convicts and row of assorted family waiting to be buzzed in to see them.
And all this for Rabbit Foo Foo. Makes me wonder...
When i had to do was the scariest thing I've ever encountered. the only thing that made it a bit easier was the fact that I had a very cute deputy escorting me:) I have my own funny stories about that trip downtown. I couldn't find the dang entrance, so I walked around the entire building...trying to open every door and read every sign. I looked like an idiot (plus it was freezing outside). I finally met another teacher there and we endured the buzzer stuff together.
I wonder why they don't have you teaching math you Ret!!
Ya know Gil...
And Sara. My deputy wasn't cute and I'm way married...
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