Friday, December 30, 2005

It didn't snow. And I'm totally okay with that. It would have been a nice touch but honestly, I had such a wonderful weekend the snow might have pushed me over an edge that some days is closer than I'd ever admit.

I spent an hour Christmas eve morning in the new green room at church. Prompted by the spirit and orchestrated by a fellow team member, several of us took shifts throughout the night to cover the 24 hours leading into the Christmas eve services with prayer. Thinking our shifts would be done from home, John took the 7-8 and I took the 8-9. Then we realized we were supposed to pray on sight. Duh. Not a biggy for morning people, but for this nocturnal girl who was up too late and usually works herself into a dither for no good reason doing last minute errands and preparations, I was hesitant about getting everything done in time. As it turns out, it was the best start to Christmas, ever.

I've prayer walked a worship center many times. It's always quite moving to enter the room alone and pray for those who would fill the seats in the hours ahead. I learned this practice from a special man of prayer at MPCC years ago and have applied the concept to lots of other experiences along the way, but this particular walk had a beauty all its own. I came expecting it. I came grinning through a mist of tears at the sheer providence of it all. I came ready to begin.

I'm a big fan of stations. I love having some direction for my meditation, especially at a time when there are so many distractions fighting for attention inside my head, and believe me, the distractions from Christmas alone were grounds for Advil Extra Strength, let alone the whole "how did I get here" scenario. I moved through the stations looking within, looking up, looking out and couldn't wait to walk the room. Other than Neal asleep in the back (he stayed the night...) it was just me and the Trinity. We had a great time. The sound of the water gently cascading over the walls of the baptistery was the perfect backdrop for the prayer walk. Something mystical about the process. Wondering what God will do and at the same time realizing no amount of wondering could actually begin to imagine His storehouse.

I loved my time in that room. I loved that God knew I would be there and would love my time in that room. I loved praying for Neal as he lay sleeping. I loved praying for the tech team. I loved praying for those who would prepare the communion. I loved praying for those who would preach. I loved standing where each member of the team and band would be standing and praying for them. I loved praying for those who would kneel on the steps. I loved praying for those who would be immersed in the beautiful waters. I loved praying for all those who would walk through the doors bearing hearts of every emotion. I loved that this deliberate time of prayer could bind satan's attempts to make this about the lights and sound, about the new space, and not about our precious Prince of Peace and the lives He would claim as His own. I loved that mine is one of them.

This was by far the best start to Christmas I have ever spent. I plan to repeat it. There was a calm quiet over my heart that lingers still. I didn't want it to end. It will be one to remember always. I had feared that the first one without dad and the last one with Shawna at home would just be too much, but you know, He carried it all. There were moments of course, but I just had the best of times. He has taught me so much in the last year or so. I hope He's pleased with the changes He sees in me. I hope He gives me time to catch my breath before we get to it again. But I doubt it. As tempting as it is to "land" I can't help feeling we are only beginning. His Kingdom come, His will be done, that is, after all, what we prayed for.

What a wonderful Christmas.


Blogger ret said...

I heard your watch jingling Saturday night. Made me smile. Happy New Year...

12:27 PM  

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