Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Him: Like the first thing I need to see when I come home from work and open the paper is a picture of Leahy frowning.

I'm not sure I'll adequately convey how hard this made me laugh. There are two things in this world that get Kevin's blood boiling: property taxes and the school board (which translates into, you guessed it... more property taxes.)

Kevin has made the astute observation that there are two file photos of Tom Leahy, our Superintendent of Schools. One, sadly used more frequently, is the one they used tonight; a somber countenance, or as Kevin calls it, his sad, see-how-much-money-we-can-squeeze-out-of-the-ignorant-public file photo. Okay. He calls it his sad face. I added the rest, call it creative license. The other, I confess to rarely seeing, shows a man of gleeful optimism, used primarily when the school's ACT scores are up or there's talk of a salary increase.

He's right. And as he continued to gripe about it while pouring himself a drink, he had me laughing so hard I'll be coughing the rest of the night. Imagine the writers who have to pull the photos and the discussion surrounding the choice between the two. I'm thinking they could use a few pointers in PR if they really want to rally the troops. Kevin sees that pic and votes "NO" every time. Poor Leahy. Don't even know the guy and Kevin can't stand the sight of him...


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