Thursday, April 14, 2005

Gotta Pee?

Last night Shawna Lynn said yes to the second most important question of her life. John asked her if she had to pee. She said no and he said he didn't have to pee either. He told her he wanted to get a book out of his room that he bought at the Mustard Seed but he came out with a ring. She saw he was shaking. She thought he was kidding. He asked her to marry him and she said yes.

Theirs is a sweet story. This looney drummer claimed her heart when she was in the 4th grade. In those days it was a toss up between Taylor Hanson and John but the Taylor thing just didn't work out. She loved him quietly until the summer before he went to Truman. She professed her feelings for him late one August night at church camp knowing he was dating someone else. She needed him to know. The next 6 months found him in Bible college contemplating if someone like her would really give someone like him a second thought. Their first official date was a Rebecca St. James "Wait For Me" concert and the rest is beautiful history. Three years later and they are on their way to the rest of their lives together.

She's a princess. And he's an original. The two of them together are something pretty special. He gets her and she gets him. They are young and both could stand some full time employment before Kevin and I relax a bit. Okay, Kevin may take a bit more effort, but as I went to sleep last night I was overwhelmed by how blessed they are to have found each other and how blessed they are to have such incredible people in their lives. As I watched them call the people they were closest to I was thankful that list includes some remarkably godly people. People who have invested in each of them over the years to make them who and whose they are. The jobs will come. Relationships like these are priceless and beyond measure to this mother's heart of mine. Thank you seems inadequate for all the investment these friendships and relationships have meant to them. Thank you seems inadequate for a sister that got out of bed to drive across town to be part of it all. But thank you, all. Please join me in asking God to go before them, behind them and all the way around them into this new stage of their lives together.

Now, if you'll excuse me I need to pee.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

YAY!!! How exciting! Thanks for the email! I'm looking forward to seeing Sha tomorrow.

3:11 PM  
Blogger ret said...

Hope she can manage to work on your hair while she's staring at her finger :) Enjoy the pampering! She's learning facials today...

3:34 PM  
Blogger Pam said...

Congratulations again! I cannot begin to tell you how blessed I am to have you all in a very special place in my heart and life. I continue to pray for Johnny & Sha and know that theirs will always be a relationship that honors God and finds it's foundation in Him. Thank you for sharing them with us! Love you all...

10:02 PM  

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