Saturday, April 16, 2005

Morning Has Broken...

First of all, do they make mornings more fabulously glorious than this one? [Can I use fabulously and glorious all in one sentence?] I awakened to the gentle sound of a dove cooing, a robin singing, chimes ringing, and some happy morning person mowing their stupid grass!! Probably meditating themselves silly. Can they not wait until the rest of us get up?

It was only a matter of time I guess, anyway, since Tigger had been moaning for food for about an hour as it is. So, I'm up. And it is just loverly outside. I know, because I walked out to the mailbox to get the Saturday paper, just so I could glare at the early riser down the street.

Have a great Saturday. I'm headed over to join Veronica and her family as we give dad's yard a bit of springtime attention. I'll do anything BUT mow.

BTW: Kevin mowed the whole yard over while I was at volleyball last night. Please pray for him...


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