Saturday, May 07, 2005

far from home...

Without going into specifics, I was reminded this morning how dark, lonely, fragile and changing this home away from home can be. Especially for those who don't yet fully understand, how much it hurts our Father to see us abused and broken by a world that is fallen and lost, or how deeply He loves us. These days we are given, and the nights in between-well we can never tell for sure what they'll hold. The same few hours can find us at peace with the world or waking up and not even recognizing the room around us. It makes me sad and homesick sometimes. Sad that people we love and care about, and people we don't even know, get broken sometimes and I don't know how to fix them. So I cry a little, I change a little and I long for the day God will kiss it and make it all better for good. Until then, I'm going to try to thank Him more for all the little things I take for granted, look for more opportunities to shine what light I'm able to reflect in the dark spots around me, and remember how very blessed I am that I am His and I am not alone on this journey far from home.


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