Wednesday, June 15, 2005


It's hard to blog with a cat on your lap so haven't gotten around to it today. She's still among the living but who knows. She manages to get up and roam around a bit, but spends most of the day and night asleep on me. When I lay her down she'll sleep for a little while but I can't go too far or she "calls" for me. I know. Got it bad. She's just so soft and sweet and frail. I thought my pace was slow of late to begin with, but man, I'm at a screeching halt. I just can't perimeter her off in some cat proof area and let her wake up disoriented or scared. Just can't do it. God knows me better than I know myself. [revelation...] He knows if she just died before I would have felt guilty for being annoyed with her constant whining and for giving her small bits of attention these last few years. We are making up for it big time. Of the last 72 hours she has spent the best part of them being held and coddled. I really don't think it will be long but what do I know.

I was on the phone in the living tonight [Sara called from Louisville!!] and she was in the kitchen asleep in her basket. Next thing I know she was walking into the living room toward the sound of my voice. This meant she had to get out of the basket by herself, which is hard for her to maneuver without assistance. But she heard my voice. Stupid hearts. It's a cat for goodness sake. And I'm blogging about it. And you're reading about it. So we both probably need to get a life going here in the near future.

I'm supposed to go to a Women of Faith conference Friday & Saturday. [Not a big fan of these conferences but it was a weak moment and I signed up. The company will rock but just not my cup of tea...] Anyway, if she's still here I'm not sure I can leave. Will have to see.

Other than this cat drama going on, I really haven't got much to say. Had the first rehearsal with the choir for this worship night in July, last night. I thought it went pretty well. Just different. But there were some familiar faces so I was okay. We chased that down with another hour or two of worship as a few of us gathered to sing some old favorites. Rob had a new pedal & guitar, Pam trimmed her nails and calloused her dormant fingers, Ginny wailed and the rest of us came along for the ride. It was fun. Just different. And of course we took Tigger. She slept the whole five hours.

Missed my study this morning & not planning on going anywhere tomorrow. This is killing my pool time but I love my cat so it's all good.

We did fit some bocce into the evening. Sat Tig's basket in the grass and Kev & John completely annihilated Shawna & I. Kevin didn't even want to play and he was wicked. And let me tell you, his competitive spirit is alive and well. He had some great throws. The best part of the evening was John tossing the bocce balls at Kev's bare feet and watching Kev "dance" to avoid having his toes smashed. Really funny visual if you know our Kevin. Was a definite challenge not to pee myself.

Headed to bed until Tig wakes me up. Beginning to feel like we have a newborn in the house...


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