Monday, August 01, 2005

belly-button peep hole...

Veronica was telling me of a conversation she had with her two sons yesterday.

They were looking at pictures of a bathroom wall in the process of remodeling from a few years ago. [We grew up writing and drawing on our walls when they were in progress. Sort of a time capsule sort of thing also known as entertainment in the absence of color or cable tv, and needless to say video games or DVD's. Suffice it to say we had a lot of fun everytime the parents decided to repaint a room.]

Well, Veronica let her kids do this as well years ago and they were looking at pictures of their artwork. Veronica was explaining to the boys that Emma would have been 6, making Chandler 2 and that she would have been pregnant with Harrison. The funny part is that Harrison proceeds to argue emphatically that he was there too. She told him he wasn't born yet. He said he remembers it all. She said, "but honey you were in mommy's tummy, you weren't here yet" and he quips with his hands squishing his little face, through fish-like lips: "When you turned around toward the sink I could see."

Hey. It's his story. And she said he's sticking to it.


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