Monday, July 23, 2007

how dunder-mifflin inc. saved our vacation...

Aside from my motherly "encouragement" to enjoy our time together and not ruin the whole trip for all of us the day before, turns out I had some unexpected help bolstering Kevin's glass-completely-empty approach to his family get-a-way-from-me.

“The Office”.

I actually heard his laugh wafting over the moderate waves to my rafting ears Thursday afternoon. If his cabin-fevered mood could be altered by the likes of someone like Dwight or Michael, well, have at it and glory hallelujah. I think the show’s a riot too, but I never wagered it to be a life-changer. John provided two medicinal seasons worth and episode after episode we made it home in one piece. It was close yesterday. Ada meowed for two solid hours. Solid. Hours. The vet recommended Dramamine but our attempts on the way up only resulted in a lot of foaming at the mouth which is again what happened on the way back when we were all growing more than a little done with her nervous cries and pilled her anyway. It did seem to help. She slept a few hours and the rest of the way was sporadic and close enough to home we didn’t really care.

It was fun. Always nice to spend uninterrupted time with my baby girl and her big-baby husband. As always, I love having her all to myself. And John is just funny. Never fails to make me laugh. This trip he even managed to make Kevin laugh eventually too, with the help of a whacky paper company in Scranton, Pennsylvania. Think I’ll snag season three and save it for our next vacation we’re never going to take ever again.


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