Friday, July 06, 2007

Man. Could I be more of a whine bucket? Seriously. Just re-read that last post. I meant it to be funny but it didn't really read that way. I love my neighbors, I do. I don't know their names, but I'm sure I would love them if I did. I wish they weren't such early risers but hey, they're getting robbed in taxes too, so more power to 'em.

Had my Thursday morning walk with Sha this morning. Since I elected to sleep through it yesterday. I'm always glad to have it out of the way for the day, but 6:30 is just early and I can't seem to shave an hour or so off the evening before to make up for it. I don't know how Kevin does it. We are seldom asleep before midnight and he's up like clockwork every morning at 5:30. No wonder he's grumpy half the time :)

It's a gorgeous day. Gonna shut down the laptop and get my chores done so I can slip in some pool time before heading to a swim meet at Sheridan to see the Fey's do their water magic. Busy weekend coming. Wedding rehearsal tonight, the swim meet running all weekend, wedding tomorrow, services tomorrow and Sunday, and we're hosting a Fuel party Sunday afternoon and evening. So, hello Monday. We leave for Minnesota Friday morning with John and Shawna. Kevin's dragging his feet but he'll man up and come along for the ride. I'm seriously contemplating drugging him. Once he gets there he'll be fine. Besides, with a little rum in his system he may not notice the cat the Mitchell's are bringing along...


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